What comes to mind when you think about old age? Most likely not beauty, joy and strength. Unrightfully so! Years can add so much to a human life, especially if they are put to good use. During the past two years we have met and connected with more than 70 intriguing individuals, 40 of which have been included in our upcoming coffee table book. With the images and insights we have collected we hope to jumpstart a new conversation, one in which out-dated stereotypes about old people are replaced with a more realistic and optimistic view of what aging can entail. Just ask yourself: ‘What would happen if I decided that my future self is not by definition inferior to a younger version of me?’ Think about it. There is so much to gain with this simple paradigm shift.
PR:OUD is at present focusing on changing the mindset about aging in the Netherlands. A small country full of agile and curious people who like to make up their own minds and do things their own way. We’ve got a good chance of igniting long lasting cultural change starting with our campaign in the beginning of next year. And even though the word play in our title works best in Dutch speaking countries, the need for perception change is true for most western societies. So let’s hope that our efforts will continue to spread across borders. And help people to B:OLD the best way possible.
Welcome Welcome
A sparkling tribute to the beauty, resilience and wisdom of aging people. 352 pages filled with inspiring images and stories from high-profile Dutch people such as Paul van Vliet, Noraly Beyer and Maroesja Lacunes. Luxury coffee table book, hardcover, high-quality printed & bound, dimensions 26 x 35 x 4 cm

Allerd Sticker - Cees Holtkamp - Constant Fonk - Ed Spanjaard - Eugène Sutorius - Femke Hora Adema & Mieke Zilverberg - Frans Ankoné - Gerard van Lennep - Glenn Helberg - Govert de Roos - Hedwig Klemann - Henk van Dijk - Henriette Posthuma de Boer - Hubert-Jan Henket - Hugo Heymans - Jan Jansen - Tonny Jansen
- Jenny Mathurin - Joos Ockels - Liesbeth in 't Hout - Lily Conemans - Margreet Honig - Marian Markelo - Marise Voskens - Marjan Berk - Marjan Sax - Maroesja Lacunes -
Max Franken - Melvin Anderson - Nisje Krayenhoff - Noraly Beyer - Paul van Vliet - Roefke Carmiggelt - Ronald Sniijders - Sjaak Swart - Thony Ruys - Jan Jansen - Vincent Mentzel - Wallie Pollé