Beauty, resilience & & wisdom

‘Curiosity is a great reason for growing old.’ Gerard van Lennep
‘Aging adds depth to my thoughts, my emotions and also to my skin.’ Roefke Carmiggelt
‘Over the years I’ve learned to think deeper and broader, which has led me to a new level of clarity.’ Melvin Anderson
We worden ouder dan ooit. We worden beter beter oud dan ooit...
… en toch voelen de meesten zich minder over een jaartje meer. Waarom eigenlijk?
The original meaning of the word OLD was simply: “having lived a long time”.
The original meaning of the word OLD was simply: “having lived a long time”. However, at present, old is a synonym for pretty much anything that people want to avoid, like sickness, pain, loneliness, deterioration, dementia or depression. No wonder most dread it.
Growing old can be challenging for sure, just like any other phase in life. But why do we so willingly believe the mostly negative stereotypes about old age?
Our expectations for our future and the way people treat us have a great influence on our wellbeing.
f you repeatedly tell yourself that you are too old to learn something new, your study skills will deteriorate. And if people around you are telling you that you are too old for a career switch, that it’s all downhill after 50 and that wrinkles are ugly, you will feel less space for personal development, acceptance and growth… with all the negative consequences that come with it.
With PR:OUD we show a different reality of what it means to be old. We focus explicitly on the power, the beauty and the charisma of people who have lived and grown for many years.
Because it helps to have inspiring examples. Once we realize that aging is not a disease that needs to be cured or a problem that needs to be solved we can concentrate on all there is to be gained. In essence aging is a natural and lifelong process that unites us all.
… en toch voelen de meesten zich minder over een jaartje meer. Waarom eigenlijk?
The original meaning of the word OLD was simply: “having lived a long time”.
However, at present, old is a synonym for pretty much anything that people want to avoid, like sickness, pain, loneliness, deterioration, dementia or depression. No wonder most dread it.
Growing old can be challenging for sure, just like any other phase in life. But why do we so willingly believe the mostly negative stereotypes about old age?
Our expectations for our future and the way people treat us have a great influence on our wellbeing. If you repeatedly tell yourself that you are too old to learn something new, your study skills will deteriorate. And if people around you are telling you that you are too old for a career switch, that it’s all downhill after 50 and that wrinkles are ugly, you will feel less space for personal development, acceptance and growth… with all the negative consequences that come with it.
With PR:OUD we show a different reality of what it means to be old. We focus explicitly on the power, the beauty and the charisma of people who have lived and grown for many years. Why? Because it helps to have inspiring examples. Once we realize that aging is not a disease that needs to be cured or a problem that needs to be solved we can concentrate on all there is to be gained. In essence aging is a natural and lifelong process that unites us all.
What comes to mind when you think about old age? Most likely not beauty, joy and strength. Unrightfully so! Years can add so much to a human life, especially if they are put to good use.
We hebben in de afgelopen jaren meer dan 40 spraakmakende Nederlanders mogen ontmoeten en fotograferen. Het zijn fantastische portretten geworden die niet alleen weten te inspireren, maar je ook aan het denken te zetten: “Wat zou er gebeuren als je het idee opgeeft dat jouw huidige of toekomstige ik inferieur is aan jouw jongere ik?”
De beelden en inzichten inspireren tot reflectie, geven handvatten voor de eigen levensloop en nodigen uit om leef-tijd te ervaren als geschenk. Het zal de gangbare ideeën over ouder worden voorgoed en ten positieve veranderen. Het is daarom niet alleen een prachtig cadeau voor jezelf maar juist ook voor de mensen om je heen.
Bestel Bestel Hier
352 pagina’s met inspirerende beelden en verhalen van spraakmakende Nederlanders zoals Paul van Vliet, Noraly Beyer en Marjan Berk.
Luxe koffietafelboek, hardcover, hoogwaardig gedrukt & gebonden, afmetingen 26 x 35 x 4 cm
Allerd Sticker - Cees Holtkamp - Constant Fonk - Ed Spanjaard - Eugène Sutorius - Femke Hora Adema & Mieke Zilverberg - Frans Ankoné - Gerard van Lennep - Glenn Helberg - Govert de Roos - Hedwig Klemann - Henk van Dijk - Henriette Posthuma de Boer - Hubert-Jan Henket - Hugo Heymans - Jan Jansen - Tonny Jansen
- Jenny Mathurin - Joos Ockels - Liesbeth in 't Hout - Lily Conemans - Margreet Honig - Marian Markelo - Marise Voskens - Marjan Berk - Marjan Sax - Maroesja Lacunes -
Max Franken - Melvin Anderson - Nisje Krayenhoff - Noraly Beyer - Paul van Vliet - Roefke Carmiggelt - Ronald Sniijders - Sjaak Swart - Thony Ruys - Jan Jansen - Vincent Mentzel - Wallie Pollé